


Gearbox offers a selection of dashboards, each serving as an overview to enhance your visibility in Gearbox. Below, we'll explore each dashboard and how it can benefit you.

Admin Dashboard

The Admin Dashboard is among several Maintenance Dashboards available in Gearbox, designed to enhance visibility. As a system default, the Maintenance Dashboard offers an overview and summary of your entire fleet of vehicles and assets. Below, we'll break down each area and widget of the Admin Snapshot dashboard.
Admin Snapshot Dashboard - Admin Dashboard

Groups & SubGroups 

Gearbox enables you to filter results based on your Vehicle Group and SubGroup selections. If you're not seeing all assets, please review your Vehicle Group and SubGroup choices.
Admin Snapshot Dashboard - Groups & SubGroups

Vehicles Widget

In the Vehicles Widget, this provides a breakdown of all your vehicles using our Traffic Light Status. Clicking on any of the numbers or sections will take you directly to the corresponding page, where you can view all vehicles in that section. This simplifies the process of managing vehicles and tracking your fleet.

Admin Snapshot Dashboard - Vehicles Widget

Reminders Widget

The Reminders widget displays a counter indicating the number of vehicle reminders across three intervals: kilometers, hours, and days. As the due dates approach, the 'Soon' counters turn yellow, and when the reminders are due now or overdue, the Now counters are displayed in red, following the Traffic Light Status.

Admin Snapshot Dashboard - Reminders

Expiry Dates Widget

The Expiry Dates widget features counters for vehicle expiry dates, including warranty, end of lease, and disposal. As the dates approach, the 'Soon' counters turn yellow, while those due now or overdue are displayed in red.

Services Widget

The Services widget offers an overview of your fleet's open service work orders, upcoming, and overdue servicing. It displays current open services and assets categorised by kilometers, hours, and days intervals. As service intervals approach, the Soon counters turn yellow, while those due now or overdue are displayed in red.

Admin Snapshot Dashboard - Services

Repairs Widget

The Repairs widget offers an overview of your fleet's repair work orders. It displays open repairs, open fault reports, and monitored/important/urgent/deferred repair work orders, along with those opened within the last 7-14 days. The counters in the Repair widget change colour based on the status and the duration the work order has been open.

Admin Snapshot Dashboard - Repairs

Tyres Widget

The Tyres widget offers an overview of your fleet’s tyre work orders, including open tyre work orders, the count of monitored/important/urgent/deferred tyre work orders, and the number of work orders opened in the last 7-14 days. The Tyre widget counters change colour based on the status and the duration the work order has been open.

Admin Snapshot Dashboard - Tyres

My Assigned Work Orders Dashboard

This dashboard is designed for Mechanic Users within Gearbox, offering an overview of all open service, repair, tyre, and inspection work orders assigned to them.

1. To access this Dashboard, navigate from your Admin dashboard: click on Admin Snapshot (1), then select My Assigned Work Orders (2).
My Assigned Word Orders Dashboard - Admin Dashboard

2. After accessing your Assigned Work Orders, this dashboard is filtered by the scheduled date. Clicking on each work order will direct you to the corresponding job, facilitating an easy workflow. This feature is particularly beneficial for mechanic users, providing them with visibility into their assigned work orders and the tasks that need completion upon login.
My Assigned Work Orders Dashboard

All Open Work Orders 

The purpose of this dashboard is to offer a comprehensive overview of all current or actioned open work orders within Gearbox. It displays open Service, Repair, Tyre, and Inspection work orders.

1. From the Admin Dashboard, click on Admin Snapshot (1) then click on All Open Work Orders (2)
All Open Work Orders - Admin Dashboard

2. This action will lead you to the All Open Work Orders Dashboard.
All Open Work Orders Dashboard

3. Clicking on the dropdown boxes (3) will display all work orders in that section of Gearbox.
All Open Work Orders - Open Services

Starred Notes

The Starred Notes feature enables users to 'star' or 'pin' a note to a work order. You can access this feature by following the link on Starred Notes

1. Click on Admin Snapshot (1) then click on Starred Notes (2).
Starred Notes - Admin Dashboard

2. Starred Notes Dashboard:
Starred Notes Dashboard

Maintenance Calendar 

While not a dashboard, this feature redirects to the Service Schedule page. The Service Schedule offers a calendar view for organizing open services, repairs, tyre tasks, vehicle reminders, and inspections across various dates and times.

1. Click on Admin Snapshot (1) then click on Maintenance Calendar (2).
Maintenance Calendar - Admin Dashboard

2. From this screen, you can click and drag (3) the work order over to the specific day you wish to complete the task. This feature is useful for mechanics as they can log into Gearbox, view scheduled tasks for the week, and create new work orders.
Maintenance Dashboard - Service Schedule

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