Documents can be emailed directly into Gearbox using the documents email address. This email address is unique to each Gearbox system and is case-sensitive.
1. Click on Documents (1) then click Unprocessed (2)
2. To import documents, send an email to this email address (3) with the documents added as attachments. Depending on the size of the document, it may take a few minutes to appear under the Unprocessed Documents page.
3. The document will now show in Unprocessed (4), Click Add Tag (5) to link the document to an asset, employee and/or work order (service, repair, tyre, prestart, training, purchase order, load sheet, inspection, permit other)
Emailing Documents to Gearbox - Unprocessed Documents
4. From here you can process the document and tag it to existing work orders or create new ones. Select the Vehicle (6), click on the type of work order (7) if it is an exist record you can select the work order in the Select an Existing Record (8) or in this case Create a New Record, Inspection Type (9) then enter the Date Opened (10) Click Create Tag (11)
Emailing Documents to Gearbox - Processing a Document
5. Once you have clicked Create Tag (11) it will show the documents linked below (12), click Save (13)
You can link a document to multiple work orders
Emailing Documents to Gearbox - Document Tagged
6. Once to tag has been created and saved the document will now move from Unprocessed (4) to Processed (14)
Emailing Documents to Gearbox - Recent Documents