Gearbox allows Training of all types to be recorded and tracked against an employee. Training Types including "mass" or "maint" will automatically be tallied in Reviews.

The Employee module must be active on your subscription to utilise the Training sub-area.
Creating Training Records
1. Click on Employees (1) then click on Training (2)
Creating Training Records - Admin Dashboard
2. Click Add New (3)
Creating Training Records - Open Training Records
3. Fill out the below information;
Employee (4),
select a training Type (5) from the drop-down menu. For details on how to add/edit Training Types click here, select the date the
Training Date (6) was conducted
, enter in the Provider (7), Certificate (8) number, enter the Expiry Date (9) in which the training expires, if there is no expiry leave blank, tick Closed (10) if the training record does not reoccur. Enter notes or other relevant information and upload scanned or digital copies of the training certificate or other relevant documents.
This functionality can only be used if the Documents module is active on the Gearbox subscription
Creating Training Records - New Training
4. Once the Training record has been saved it will be displayed on the Open Training table
Creating Training Records - Open Training (New Record)
Editing Training Records
1. To edit a Training record, click on a record (1) within the table and edit any necessary fields
Editing Training Records - Open Training
2. Edit the fields (2) once completed click Save (3)
Editing Training Records - Editing Existing Record