Viewing Load Sheets
1. Click on Compliance (1) then click on Load Sheets (2)
Viewing Load Sheets from Prestart in Gearbox - Admin Dashboard
2. Locate the Load Sheet that has been logged from Prestart either in the 'Latest Load Sheet' view or click the 'All' button to view historical Load Sheets.
Viewing Load Sheets from Prestart in Gearbox - Latest Load Sheets
3. Once you have found the relevant Load Sheet, you can open it by clicking on the entry. Load Sheets logged from Prestart are 'read-only' to ALL users to prevent modification after entry.
On this screen, you will be presented with the information the Driver has logged regarding the Load Sheet. Below is an explanation of the view
4. This is the weight of the steer axle as entered by the Prestart user
5. This is the weight of the drive axle as entered by the Prestart user
6. This is the weight of the trailer axle as entered by the Prestart user
7. A green 'tick' confirms that the weight entered by the Prestart user (and therefore carried on the asset) was below or equal to the total of the mass limits.
8. This is the sum of all individual axle weights (truck + trailer) as entered by the Prestart user