Gearbox integrates with Webfleet to automatically download meter readings each night to collect mileage and hour readings to update services
due and calculate running costs. Meter readings imported will appear
under the Odometer tab for a vehicle.
1. Click your User Icon (1) then click Settings (2)
Webfleet Integration - User Icon Settings
2. On the left hand side, scroll down and click on Integrations (3)
Webfleet Integration - Integrations
3. Scroll down until you find Webfleet Solutions integration login details. You will need to enter your
Account Name (4), Username (5), and Password (6) and check the Integrate
TomTom box (7). Once you have done this click Save (8)
Webfleet Integration - Webfleet Login Details
The account username and password must have WEBFLEET.conect privileges enabled within TomTom, please see screenshot below:
Webfleet Integration - Webfleet Connect
4. Once the Integration setting has been saved, you will need to add the Webfleet object number to the corresponding vehicle in Gearbox. Click
Vehicles (9)
Webfleet Integrations - Vehicles
5. Select the vehicle you wish to add the TomTom object number too Under the Settings tab (10), input the Webfleet object number in the corresponding field (11), then click Save and Close (12)
Webfleet Integrations - Vehicle Information Settings
6. This is typically a one-off as GPS devices are generally fitted to a
vehicle and remain fixed. Find the “ID” field and enter this into the
“Webfleet Object Number” field in Gearbox
Webfleet Integration - Webfleet Vehicle ID
If the “ID” field is not populated in Webfleet, please enter your own ID.
Overnight, readings will then be added to the Odometer section for each Vehicle with a valid Webfleet Object ID.
To prevent your database being filled with
repetitive data, Gearbox will only add a record to the system if the
vehicle has been used since the last download.