Parts Usage on Service, Repairs and Tyres

Parts Usage on Service, Repairs and Tyres


Gearbox allows Parts to be recorded against Services, Repair and Tyre Work Orders.

Adding Parts to a Workorder

Parts may be added to a workorder by clicking the add button under Parts

Selecting the Part Number from the list will populate the description and price from the Parts Register:

Select the Site/Store to identify which location the part has been sourced from.
Check the Supplier Provided checkbox to prevent (bypass) the part from being deducted from your stock level.

Automatically adding Parts to a Service

When creating a Service (Scheduled Maintenance) for a vehicle for the first time, filters and oils will need to be added manually. Gearbox features a tool Copy Parts to Vehicle to store these parts to be automatically added to new services created for that vehicle in the future.

On the Vehicles > Parts Tab the parts may be updated to indicate which service types those parts need to be automatically added to when created:

Using Parts with Inventory / Stocktake

If the Parts / Inventory system is enabled, parts used during a Service, Repair or Tyre will automatically be deducted from Stock when the Service, Repair Or Tyre is closed.
While the work order is open, the parts are Allocated

Once the work order is closed, the parts are Used


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