1. Click on your User Icon (1), then click on Settings (2)
2. On the left-hand side of the screen, scroll down and click on Integrations (3)
Navman Integration - Integrations
3. Scroll down until you see Navman, click Integrate Navman (4), click Enable TN360 (5), enter your TN360 Token (7) given by Navman, click Save (8), then click Connect Vehicles (9)
Navman Integration - Navman Telematics Login
This will connect assets based on the fleet number
or registration in Gearbox. The fleet number or registration
in Gearbox must match the display name or registration number in Navman. Gearbox will automatically attempt to add the new ID to the assets based on the information from Navman. Gearbox will email a CSV file detailing the results of the connection.