1. Click on your User Icon (1), then click on Settings (2)
John Deere Integration - Admin Dashboard
2. On the left-hand side of the screen, scroll down and click on Integrations (3)
John Deere Integration - Settings
4. You will be taken to John Deere's website and prompted to authenticate
John Deere Integration - Sign In
5. The John Deere site will request your permission to allow Gearbox to Integrate
John Deere Integration - Allow Permission
6. After allowing access, you will be returned to the Gearbox integrations page, where you can start the integration by clicking Get Readings.
John Deere Integration - Gearbox Integrations
Get Current Readings
Hour and odometer readings automatically sync every night. Additionally, users have the option to manually trigger an update at any time. To get the current readings proceed from step 6 above.