When you forget your Gearbox password follow these steps below to reset it.
Password Reset
1. On the Gearbox login section of the website, click Forgot? (1)
Password Reset - Forgot
2. Enter the email address (2) associated with your Gearbox user, then click Reset Password (3)
3. The following message will be displayed
Password Reset - Notification
4. Gearbox will send you an email from noreply@gearbox.website.
If the email does not appear in your Inbox check your Junk/Spam folder.
Once you locate the email click on the URL link provided.
Password Reset - Reset Email
5. This will open your internet browser and display the following page. Type your new Password (6), then retype it in Confirmation (7), then click Update Password (8)
Password Reset - Resetting Password
6. Enter in your Username and NEW Password (9) then click Login (10)
Password Reset - New Login Details
If you have followed the above steps and are still experiencing issues resetting your password please email
support@gearbox.com.au or contact us on 1800 100 941