Gearbox offers users the flexibility to import records seamlessly by utilising CSV or Excel files. This feature simplifies data management processes, allowing for efficient integration of external records into the Gearbox system. Additionally, for users whose telematics providers allow it, Gearbox enables the setup of odometer reports to be automatically emailed to Gearbox.
Email import only supports the Standard Gearbox & MTData import.
Integration imports such as FiveCubits, Procon, Komtrax, Smartrak and Ctrack will not work with this feature.
Importing Odometer Readings
1. Select Odometer (1) from the left side menu
Importing Odometer Readings - Admin Dashboard
2. Select the Import button (2)
Importing Odometer Readings - Latest Odometer Readings
Importing via CSV
3. Prepare a CSV or Excel file containing the records you wish to import into Gearbox. Ensure that the first row of the file comprises the column headers.
4. Include the following columns in your file:
- Fleet: e.g., PM01 (Identifier for the fleet)
- Mileage: e.g., 22809 (Odometer reading)
- Hours: e.g., 3804 (Equipment operating hours)
- Date: e.g., 15/02/2019 (Date of the recorded data)
Importing CSV - Excel Import
5. Select the specified CSV file by clicking the Select File To Import Button (3), then choose your specified Telematics provider (4) and proceed with the import
Importing CSV - Kilometers CSV Import
Importing via Email
1. Additionally, CSV files can be imported via Email. To do this, use the Gearbox email address (5) provided for importing files. Upon completion of the import process, Gearbox will send you an email to confirm whether it was successful or not.
Importing Via Email - Kilometeres Email Import