Stock Adjustments

Stock Adjustments


Gearbox allows for stock adjustments, which is the process of updating inventory levels to reflect accurate information. This adjustment can involve changing the quantity, value, or status of items in stock, serving to reconcile any discrepancies between recorded inventory levels and the actual physical inventory on hand.

Stock adjustments require the Parts and Inventory module to be activated within your Gearbox subscription.
This article assumes that Parts have already been added into your Parts Module.

How to create a stock adjustment:

1. Click on Parts (1), then select Stock Adjustments (2).

2. Select Add New (3).

3. Enter the Adjustment Date (1) which is a required field, Optionally enter a description or reference number (2) and a note (3). Select "Save and Continue" (4) to save the record. Click on the Add Item button (5) if you are adding a part, or click Transfer (6) to adjust stock between different sites or locations if Multisite inventory is enabled.

To enable Multisite inventory, please email

4. New Adjustment Item:
  1. Select the Part you want to adjust the stock of (1).
  2. Enter the site that is having its stock adjusted (2) - this can be unallocated.
  3. Enter an optional note (3).
  4. Enter either the new quantity that will be in stock or the amount to increase or decrease the current stock by (4).
  5. Lastly, click 'Create Stock Adjustment Item' (5).

5. Transfer Items:
Select the part you wish to transfer between two sites (1), enter the quantity to transfer (2), the ‘from’ site (3) and the ‘to’ site (4) – finally, click the Transfer Stock button (5):

6. You will be prompted if there is not enough of the part in stock to perform the transfer from one site to another (1):

Once you have completed adding your stock adjustments, click Save and Close and your stock adjustments will be made and finalised.

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