You can create Purchase Orders directly from Service, Repair, or Tyre records. These Purchase Orders will be generated based on the details of the respective Service, Repair, or Tyre, including any Parts added to the associated Workorder. If a Purchase Order is already linked, the following steps will update it provided that the Part's 'Supplier' matches the 'Supplier' of the linked Purchase Order. In cases where there are multiple Parts from different Suppliers, multiple Purchase Orders will be generated accordingly.
Create Purchase Order From Maintenance Items
1. To create a purchase order from a service, from the Admin Dashboard, click on Services (1)
Create a Purchase Order From Maintenance Items - Admin Dashboard
2. You can either open a Current Service or create a new one in this example, we will be creating a New Service, click Add New (2)
Create a Purchase Order From Maintenance Items - Open Services
3. This will then create a New Service, fill in the mandatory fields and select a Repairer (3) This will then set all of the parts suppliers as this repairer then click Save and Continue (4)
Create a Purchase Order From Maintenance Items - New Service
4. Scroll down to Parts, click Add Part (5)
Create a Purchase Order From Maintenance Items - Open Service
5. Choose the Part (6) you want to add. This action will automatically populate the Description (7). Then, select the Quantity (8). If the repairer/supplier differs from the one initially selected to create the Service, enter the new information in the Repairer box (9). Once done, select the supplier and click Update Service Part (10).
Create a Purchase Order From Maintenance Items - Adding Service Parts
6. The parts will be displayed in the table under the heading Part# (11), while the suppliers will be listed under the heading with the label Supplier (12).
Create a Purchase Order From Maintenance Items - Parts List
7. To create a Purchase Order from the Parts list, return to the top and click on More Information (13).
Create a Purchase Order From Maintenance Items - More Information
8. Beside the Purchase Order box, click on the + (14). This action will link Purchase orders, which will be displayed below (15). Since there were two different suppliers listed in the parts, Gearbox has automatically created separate Purchase Orders.
Create a Purchase Order From Maintenance Items - Linking Purchase Orders
8. By clicking on each blue hyperlink (16), it will redirect you to the corresponding Purchase Order.
Create a Purchase Order From Maintenance Items - Purchase Order Item
9. In the example below, we've selected P-9, displaying the purchase order.
Create a Purchase Order From Maintenance Items - Open Purchase Order