Service Groups (or templates) are used to define an assets service intervals, services tolerances and jobcard checklist items. Gearbox will allow as many
different service groups as you need. These may vary between "prime movers" or
"plant" or between make such as "Volvo" or "Caterpillar".

Gearbox users must have a minimum of Standard permissions in the Settings area in order to apply changes

NOTE: Gearbox uses a cascading service due feature. Use A as the smallest
service and E as the largest service. This means that all items in an A
service are contained in a B,C,D & E service. Do not use the E
service for services such as “Mixer”, “Inspection” or “Transmission”. In
this scenario when you record an E Service, Gearbox will reset the
meter for an A,B,C & D service as it will consider that all items
included in that service were also carried out. For more information
contact customer support. Use the “Inspections” section in the
Compliance menu and created a sub-vehicle/asset to manage transmissions
or mixer services that do not align with the primary assets servicing
Adding Service Groups
1. Click on User Icon (1) then click on Settings (2)
Service Groups, Settings and Checklist - User Icon Settings
2. On your left scroll down to Service Groups (3)
Service Groups, Settings and Checklist - Service Groups
3. From here you can Add New (4) Service Group, Edit Service Intervals (5), Edit Checklist Items (6)
Service Groups, Settings and Checklist - Active Service Groups
4. Once you click on Add New (4) it will take you to the screen below. From here you will need to fill out the below fields
- Service Group Name (7) - enter a name for the Service Group, this is a mandatory field
- Inspection Type 1-3 (8) - select up to 3 Inspection Types that you would like to add the expiry dates for on the Service Due Reports
- Service Type Alias (A-E) (9) - enter an alias for each interval type, this will be displayed when users select the Service Type on Service records (e.g 10,000 Kms)
- Interval (10) - enter a value in which you would like the service to be due at (e.g 10,000 Kms)
Warnings 1 + 2 (11) - enter a value in which how many Kms/Hours/Days from the service due interval would you like warning 1 'Orange' or warning 2 'Red' to occur (e.g 2,000 kms for the first warning and 1,000kms for the second warning for the service due interval. - Compliance (12): . The Compliance field
is used to set a tolerance limit of the maximum interval between a
service before
a non conformance is raised. This is a feature typically used by NHVAS
Maintenance Management accredited fleets or TruckSafe. In the screenshot below, an A Service is allowed a 15% tolerance on the specified
interval for a total maixmum service interval of 11,500.
Service Groups, Settings and Checklist - Service Type
- Mechanic/Manager eJobcard Signoff Statement (13) + (14): enter a custom statement unique for the Mechanic and Manager when signing off on Service eJobcards
- Archive Service Group (15): by ticking this option will result in the Service Group being moved to the Archived Service Group page when no longer required.
Service Groups, Settings and Checklist - Ejobcard
Editing Service Group Settings
1. By using the above steps from Adding Service Groups 1-3 navigate to the Active Service Groups and click Edit Checklist Items (1) then click on the desired Service Group.
Service Groups, Settings and Checklist - Edit Service Intervals2. From this screen you can edit Service Group name, Alias names for the services and the intervals for KMs, hours and days
Service Groups, Settings and Checklist - Edit Service Groups
Add or Edit Jobcard Items
1. By using the above steps from Adding Service Groups 1-3 navigate to Active service Groups, click on Edit Checklist Items (1)
Service Groups, Settings and Checklist - Edit Checklist Items
2. From this screen you can Add New (2), Copy Items (3) to another Service Group, Delete All Items (4), tick on the items to add them to different services (5), Edit (6) service items, and Drag to Order (7) to change the order of the Jobcard items
Service Groups, Settings and Checklist - Service Jobcard Items
3. To add (2) or edit (6) a service item click on the above buttons it will take you to the below screen fill out the mandatory fields (8-12) then click on Save or Update Service Item (13)
Service Groups, Settings and Checklist - Add or Edit Service Groups
Service Checklist Monthly History Report
The purpose of this report is to provide users with 6 months of data from when a service checklist item was actioned.
1. Click on your User Icon (1) then click on Settings (2)
Service Groups, Settings and Checklist - User Icon Settings 2. On the left of your screen scroll down and click on Service Groups (3)
Service Groups, Settings and Checklist - Service Group Settings
3. Click on Edit Checklist Items (4) for the Service Group you wish to run the report for
Service Groups, Settings and Checklist - Edit Checklist Items
4. Click Edit (5) on the service item you wish to run a report for
Service Groups, Settings and Checklist - Service Jobcard Items
5. From here you can choose to have the data exported in a PDF or XLSX (6) (spreadsheet)
Service Groups, Settings and Checklist - Service Item
6. In this example we have click XLSX (6) This report shows the last 6 months of data from when the service checklist item was actioned
Service Groups, Settings and Checklist - Monthly History Report
Archiving Service Groups
Service Groups that are no longer required but have service records affiliated with them can be archived so they no longer appear in your Service Group list.

Make sure vehicles associated with the service group you are archiving have been moved to a new service group or have been made inactive
• Only users with edit access to the Settings area can apply these changes. If you do not have access please consult with your Gearbox Administrator.
• All active (not sold) vehicles must be reassigned to a new Service Group prior to archiving.
1. Click on your User Icon (1) then click on Settings (2)
Archiving Service Groups - User Icon Settings
2. On the left hand side scroll down and click on Service Groups (3)
Archiving Service Groups - Service Group Settings
3. Locate the Service Group you wish to archive then click on Edit Service Intervals (4)
Archiving Service Groups - Active Service Groups
4. Scroll down to the bottom of the page and click Archive Service Group (5) then click Save (6)
Archiving Service Groups - Archive Service Group
5. The below message will appear click Yes, Please Save (7)
Archiving Service Groups - Warning6. If the following message comes up, you have not yet removed vehicles from this Service Group and will need to do so in order to Archive the Service Group
Archiving Service Groups - Error
7. By clicking on the Archived button you are able to the Service Groups that have been Archived (9)
Archiving Service Groups - Archived Groups8. From here you can make Service Groups Active again by clicking on Edit Service Intervals (10) and following steps (5 & 6).
To go back to your active Service Groups click on Active (11)
Archiving Service Groups - Edit Archived Service Groups
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