The Prestart app is the best way for drivers/operators to enter Load sheet data (axle group wieghts) for GML, CML, & HML. Gearbox also allows paper based records to be entered into Gearbox.
Creating Load Sheets
1. Click on Compliance (1) then in the drop down click on Load Sheets (2)
Add/Edit Load Sheets - Admin Dashboard
2. The load sheet view will indentify the number of loads and any ovberloads for each vehicle.
Colour Code:
Green : No overloads
Red : One or more overloads
Grey : Zero loads recorded
You can either click the Add New (3) or click the Add (4) button to manually enter a load sheet.

Clicking the ‘+ Add’ button will pre-fill the vehicle
Add/Edit Load Sheets - Latest Load Sheets
3. Enter the Load Sheet Date (5) and select the relevant Vehicle (6) if
it is not pre-filled. The remaining fields are optional but have been
filled in the below example;
Click Save and Close (7) and you will be returned to the Latest Load Sheets view, you will see the relevant day has been coloured

If you want to add Documents, e.g. load dockets, you must save the Load Sheet first
Add/Edit Load Sheets - New Load Sheet
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