This article assumes there are existing Open Fault Reports in your Gearbox system.
Actioning a Fault Report from an email
Gearbox will email designated individuals, based on individual user settings, about a new Fault.
Actioning a Fault Report from the Dashboard
The dashboard will display the number of unresolved faults. Clicking on this number will redirect the user to the Fault Report Inbox.
Actioning a Fault Report from the Fault Report Inbox
Unresolved Faults are listed in the Fault Report Inbox.
Actioning a Fault Report from the Prestart View
1. After a Fault Report is generated from the Prestart app, it will appear on the Gearbox Prestarts page. Click on 'Prestarts' (1).
Actioning a Fault Report - Admin Dashboard
2. If one of the days is flagged as red (2), this indicates that a fault has been reported for that day. Hovering over the day will display the Prestarts entered for the vehicle. Click on the Fault Report hyperlink (3) to navigate to a new screen where it can be viewed and actioned.
Actioning a Fault Report - Prestarts Over The Last 7 Days
3. Navigate to the 'Items Checked' table below and click on the Fault Report (4).
Actioning a Fault Report - Prestart
4. From this page, you can create a Repair, Service, Tyre, Non-Conformance, or Inspection work order. Additionally, you have the option to archive the fault. For instance, in this example, click on 'Tyres' (5), then select 'New Tyre' (6).
You can also proceed with the following steps for Repairs and Services.
5. After selecting 'New Tyre' (6), a Tyre work order will be created. Once the Tyre work order is generated, Gearbox will retrieve data from the Prestart and automatically fill in the Driver/Operation Report (11). For example, it will include the reason for the Fault Report, such as 'Worn', and attach the question marked as 'Fail' in the Prestart, such as 'Check all tyres for tread, damage & inflation - including spares.' Proceed to fill in the required information in boxes (7-10) to gather additional details. Additionally, complete the tyregram (12) to visually indicate which tyres were affected, simplifying the identification process.
7. Once completed fill in the Date Closed (15) and set the Tyre Status to Closed (16), then click Save and Close (17)
8. This will then take you to a new screen to show the Tyre Item that was just created, click Save and Close (18)
9. This will navigate you back to the Fault Report, where it will now display the Action Taken (19) and provide a link to the associated work order. In this case, it links to the Tyre work order.
10. On your Prestart viewing page, the Fault will now change to orange with a triangle warning light icon (20). Hovering your mouse over the Fault will prompt Gearbox to display the actions taken (21) for the Fault.
You can follow these steps for both Repairs and Services.
Depending on your user-permissions in the Maintenance module you will also be able to reopen a Fault Report. Reopening a Fault Report will not remove any newly created, linked or appended items, these must manually be deleted if they are no longer required.
– Create new Non-Conformance
– Link to existing Non-Conformance
– Archive
If you opted to create, link or append to an item then it will display a clickable link to this item. Clicking it takes you to the related item.
Depending on your user-permissions in the Maintenance module you will also be able to reopen a Fault Report. Reopening a Fault Report will not remove any newly created, linked or appended items, these must manually be deleted if they are no longer required.