Gearbox Updates 27/11/23

Gearbox Updates 27/11/23

The enhancements and bug fix listed below will be released over the course of this week.


1. Prestart meter readings - The option to display the odometer and hourmeter fields at the end of a prestart checklist used to be toggled on/off at a global level, applicable to every prestart checklist. This has been updated so that the option to display these fields can be toggled on/off for each checklist. To configure this, go to Settings > Prestarts > Edit Checklist and tick the options that you would like displayed at the end of a prestart.

2. Vehicle owner API endpoint - An additional GET endpoint for vehicle owners has been added to Gearbox's public API.

Bug Fix

1. Tax rates - When the setting "parts used inc tax" was false, Gearbox showed a part added to a job as tax exclusive but then changed it to tax inclusive once the record was saved or edited.