Gearbox Updates 17/07/23

Gearbox Updates 17/07/23

The enhancements and bug fixes listed below will be released over the course of this week. Please note screenshot samples may vary from final implementation.


1. John Deere integration - Gearbox now integrates with John Deere to import odometer and hourmeter readings, which then updates service due calculations. To set up this integration, please email Support.

2. Tyres API endpoint - An additional GET endpoint for a paginated list of tyres has been added to Gearbox's public API. For additional information, please click here.

3. Fleetware integration - Gearbox can now pull odometer and hourmeter readings from Fleetware. To set up this integration, please email Support.

4. Default repairer - We have added the option to select a default repairer for a vehicle group. To add this, go to Settings > Groups and select the group you would like to edit.

5. Prestart trailer selection - A search bar has been added to the trailer drop-down in Prestart web to make it easier for drivers and operators to select the necessary trailer.

Bug Fixes

1. Complete Accredited Vehicle History report - The vehicle owner column was not displaying data in the PDF or XLSX versions of this report.

2. Ejobcard labels - The ejobcard labels on the Open Services, Open Repairs and Open Tyres tables have been updated to a more consistent design.

3. Default meter readings - In Prestart web, the odometer and hourmeter fields had default values of 0 unless the user entered a different value. These have both been removed.