Gearbox Updates 11/01/23

Gearbox Updates 11/01/23

The enhancement and bug fixes listed below will be released over the course of this week. Please note that screenshot samples may vary slightly from final implementation.

1. 'Archived Fault Reports' reportA new report has been added to Gearbox that shows all archived fault reports. To view the report, go to the Repairs tab and click on 'Reports'.

Bug Fixes
1. Updates to import templates - A column for the 'assigned to' field has been added to the Service, Repair and Tyre import templates.

2. Smaller screen sizes - The 'Save and continue' button was being hidden on some forms when using Gearbox on a smaller phone.

3. Updates to Read Only permissions - Users with Read Only permissions for the Repairers section were able to add new repairers when creating a purchase order.