Gearbox Updates 07/09/20

Gearbox Updates 07/09/20

  • A column for Purchase Price has been added to the Maintenance Running Cost and Maintenance Running Cost CPK/CPH reports. This information will be useful for customers deciding whether to keep or sell a vehicle. The purchase price can be recorded in the Financials tab on the Vehicle Edit screen.
  • We received some feedback from a customer that the Purchase Order email sent from Gearbox to a Supplier didn’t clearly show who sent the email. Based on this feedback we have included the company name in the body of the email. We have also updated the email design.
  • There was an issue with the Service Checklist reports not showing the intervals that each item was allocated to. This bug has now been fixed.
  • The Footer, containing the Cancel and Save buttons, was hidden on the Others form until a vehicle was selected. These buttons are now permanently visible.