Gearbox Updates 06/06/22

Gearbox Updates 06/06/22

The items below consists of all bug fixes, and enhancements that will be released over the course of this week. Please note, screenshot samples below may vary slightly compared to final implementation.


No enhancements released the coming week.


  1. Parts Import - a recently resolved bug prevented users from utilising the Parts Import functionality.
  2. Registration Renewal - a recently resolved bug previously displayed the add/attach document functionality on the Registration Renewal model. This was an unintentional bug, in order to utilise Gearbox's documenting uploading functionality the Documents module must be active on your Gearbox subscription.
  3. Parts Purchase History - a recently resolved bug previously sorted a Part's Purchase History table Date column in the incorrect order based on the user's sort preferences.
  4. Non Conformances - a recently resolved bug previously did not display the ribbon selections for Gearbox users with Read Only permissions set for the Compliance module. The following selections are displayed:
    - Open/In Progress
    - Closed
    - Reports